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Physical Medicine Rehabilitation & Clinical Neurophysiology

What is Pilates?

Pilates is an exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates to strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility and to enhance the overall well being. Exercises are performed on a mat or with specifically designed devices. Pilates focuses on concentration, control, centering, smooth moves, precision and breathing principles. The muscles are stretched both dynamically and statically. This way, it improves muscle strength and core stability.

Clinical Pilates

It is indicated for preventing the reoccurence of the same issues upon the acute phase of musculoskeletal disorders such as spinal and cervical disc herniation, myofascial pain. Trained physical therapists administer clinical pilates exercises aiming to remove existing postural faults and strengthening the muscles that support the spine. It is administered 3-4 times in a week. The duration of the exercises ranges from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the patient’s condition.

Clinical Pilates:

* Strengthens week muscles

* Stretches and elasticates short muscles

* Strengthens deep muscles that support the spine to ensure a healthy posture

* Eliminates postural faults

* Prevents reoccurence of spinal and cervical disc herniation

* Reduces stress

* Enables losing weight

Pregnancy Exercises

Pregnancy is a process that causes hormonal, at first, and then inevitable physical changes on female body. As a result of these changes, various musculoskeletal disorders occur in female body, both during pregnancy and postpartum period. The primary problems can be listed as weight gain, softening on sutral ligaments, kyphosis, increased lordosis and significant weakening on core muscles.

Pilates is the most safe and efficient exercise method for protecting pre-pregnancy posture and to restore in postpartum period.

During pregnancy, pilates:

* Protects the normal posture of the spine

* Prevents lumbar and back pain

* Enables relaxation through correct breathing techniques

* Maintains the muscle strength to streamline vaginal delivery

* Accelerates postpartum recovery

* Prevents incontinence during pregnancy

After pregnancy, pilates:

* Strengthens core muscles to reduce lordosis and kyphosis

* Prevents lumbar and back pain due to excessive activity during postpartum period

* Prevents developing cervical disc herniation

* Accelerates restoring normal physical performance

* Prevents postnatal sexual dysfunction

Pilates is usually started at 15-20 week of pregnancy. For vaginal delivery, the mother can resume pilates after a couple of days and for c-section, the mother can resume pilates after 6 weeks.

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